
08 March 2013


Springbreak!! Also means that 3/4 of the school year is over, third quarter is over...
Tomorrow my swedish mom is coming to visit, it's hard to believe that I'm actually gonna be able to hug my mommy from Sweden in less than 24h, that I haven't seen since July 17 last year. Have a safe trip mamma see ya soon <3

The weather here is really weird, It never rains and then all of a sudden there is a day where the water seem to never stop falling from the sky. Today was one of those days. And it was really windy which is very unusual as well. Had to wait an hour at school to get a ride, didn't want to walk in the storm and practice was of course cancelled because of the weather...

As usual on Fridays there is music playing in the cafeteria @ lunch, today they played a Swedish House Mafia song (has happened before, not the first time), pretty cool they play swedish music here ;) A lot of people like their music, not a lot of people know they are swedish though...

Had several tests this week before break, the school system here is hm.. interesting...
If students do bad on tests or have bad grades the district blames the teachers so all the teachers try to have as high grades on their students as possible. That's partly why it's so easy to get good grades here compare to Sweden. So in english we had a benchmark test (in sweden: nationella) which we all failed since we never learn anything in class, so he decided to let us retake the test, letting us know which answers were wrong. The test was of course multiple choice so most of us went from  50% to a 85% or something...  The entire system is built on lies, no wonder more than 50% of the people drop out of college because the don't know how to study and fail. But I'm not complaining, it's an easy school year :)
8634.18 km/5365.03 miles between my homes

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