
05 April 2013

Spirit Week

This week was a spirit week at school. Dressed up every day, Games at lunch and Pep Assembly on Friday. Monday was Wild vs. Man day so you either dressed up as an "animal" or as a Safarian, I had a  leopard cardigan and scarf and black shirt and pants. Tuesday was Casual vs Buisness day, so you chose between having PJs on or dress up with suit, tie or dress. I wore my PJs. Wednesday was HipHop vs Country, I went HipHop style. Thursday was stoplight day, you wore red if you were "taken", green if you were single (like in my case) and yellow if you were in between. Today (Friday) was as usual School Spirit day (dress up with school colors). And we had a pep assembly. I was in the assembly committee in Student Council which plans the assembly. Think we did a good job, people seemed to like it :) A pep assembly is when the entire school meet in the gym. It starts by singing the national anthem, then everybody in a sport comes out cheered by the cheer leaders. Then there are games and performances by cheer, dance, theatre, band and pom. We also announced the theme for prom (masquerade) and the prom royalties got to perform a dance. (Before Prom and Homecoming the school votes for a King, Queen, Prince and Princess, it's more about a popularity contest though).

Had to be at school at 6.30 in the morning to set up for the assembly and after school I had a good work out at track (3 x 400m, timed) so was pretty done when I came home. Went to the mall with my mom to buy some shoes and had dinner at the Cheesecake factory. Had never been there so wanted to go, the food was awesome and the best part was the cheesecake (I had tiramisu cheesecake). What I love about restaurants in america is that you get  free refills of your drink!


  1. Såg på en film i fredags där de röstade fram King och Queen på balen, jag satt och undra om det verkligen går till sådär på riktigt. Men tydligen gör det ju det då, sjukt! :o

  2. Haha ja de e exakt som på film! :D
